All you need to know about buying and owning an electric car in Finland

Check out the comparison table, where you can filter by pricing, range, brand, and many other characteristics.

After this, head out to our blog to read about:

Comparison table of electric cars in Finland

How to use this:

  • Click on 🔍 to search for a specific keyword, e.g. "Model Y" or "Volkswagen".
  • Click on Filter to limit results, e.g. Where "Price < 50000" to see only cars below 50 000.
  • Click on Sort to reorganize results, e.g. Sort by "WLTP Range 9->1" to see first cars with the highest range.
  • Click on any item to see more information. You can also expand the car image.

*These features are only available when using a computer.

Please note this is a work in progress, more cars and information will be constantly added.

4 November 2023 update:

  • Added BYD Dolphin and BYD Seal cars to the list.
  • Updated price for BYD Atto 3.